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My name is Cody Stover aka SOS (pronounced "sauce"). I grew up in a small town in Connecticut and now reside in New York City. I am a graduate of the University of Hartford, with a double major in Accounting and Marketing and am a physique model and competitor. Before I became involved in fitness, I was uncomfortable with my appearance, but was determined beyond all else to change my physique into a work of art. In my younger years, I faced adversity and even during my fitness journey I had many people telling me I would not succeed. But after months of hard work and perseverance, I placed top 5 as the youngest in my division at my very first NPC competition. I was even featured in Train Magazine for my amazing transformation. Now I am also ISSA certified in Personal Training and Strength and Conditioning.


ThE new face of fitness

My fitness journey taught me that starting a healthy lifestyle involved more than just going to the gym. Diet is the key and proper training is essential. I used to eat fast food everyday after school and had no concept of nutrition. When I started training, I thought I would get jacked and lose weight by just training hard and going everyday. I did that and did not see the results I desired; in fact, my physique got worse. I discovered that the right type of personalized training for me (what works for some people does not work for everybody) along with a proper diet helped me reach my goals faster.


Throughout my journey, I was inspired by great people in the fitness/bodybuilding niche, people who I not only trained with, but also later came to know as friends. I am grateful to have worked with incredible athletes including IFBB Pro Chris Tuttle, IFBB Pro Erin Duggan, Donna Slaga, Vince Adams,  Tom Samokar, Kenny Wallach, and Jamie Pinder (Top 5  2016 Olympia Champ). Each of them left their mark on me and have made me the man I am today. My mission is to train and teach others like I have been taught, to motivate you, to challenge you to reach your highest potential, and to help you succeed in doing whatever it is you wish to do in life. Your goals are possible. You just need to be surrounded by the right people. Come join my crew. 

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